Human-Centered AI: Designing for Urban AI Interactions and Literacy

Abstract: Applications of Artificial Intelligence are entering all areas of society, including urban environments. While research and development of AI technologies have taken major leaps, understanding the human perspective of AI is still in its early stages. In my talk I will focus on how AI’s design qualities, such as proactivity, capability to learn, and embodiment, can be used to advance citizens’ experiences and sustainable living. I will present two cases of design research for urban AI interactions: Intelligent agents for residential community interactions in Nordic Superblocks, and advancing AI transparency and literacy in public urban spaces. In my talk I will also suggest future directions for research and practice of human-centred urban AI.

Short bio: Kaisa Väänänen is a full professor of Human-Technology Interaction in Tampere University, Finland. Kaisa has over 25 years of experience of interdisciplinary research both in industry and academia. Kaisa is passionate about understanding how user needs and experiences can be supported by novel technologies. Currently, she focuses on Human-Centered AI design research and how AI-powered solutions can advance sustainability. Kaisa was the general co-chair of ACM CHI’23 conference, and in 2025, she is co-organising Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI’25. In 2022, Kaisa was selected as an ACM Distinguished Member for her long-standing contribution to the field of computing.

Presenter: Prof. Kaisa Väänänen, Human-Technology Interaction, Tampere University, (Tampere, Finland)

Date: 2024-10-03 11:30 (CEST)

Location: Oficinas ELLIS Alicante, Muelle Pte., 5 – Edificio A, Alicante 03001, Alicante ES
