ELLIS Alicante aims to set the European and world benchmark for AI research by and for people and is the only ELLIS unit dedicated exclusively to this area. We address three important research areas: computational modeling of human behavior, development of intelligent interactive systems, and the ethical challenges of current AI.
ELLIS Alicante is actively recruiting junior and senior full-time researchers, with competitive salaries and a flexible working environment.
In addition to our research staff, we are excited to collaborate with distinguished scientists who recognized as Associate Researchers at ELLIS Alicante (honorary position) and with Visiting Scientists who come spend some time at our lab.
Scientific Director and Cofounder
ELLIS Alicante, Spain
Associate Scientist
University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic
Associate Scientist
Data-Pop Alliance & UPF, Spain
Associate Scientist
UNSW Sydney, Australia
Associate scientist
Notre Dame University, USA
Associate Scientist
Alicante University, Spain
Associate Scientist
Tampere University, Finland
Associate Scientist
MPI-SWS, Germany
Associate Scientist
Universitat Jaume I, Spain
Associate Scientist
UoAlicante, Spain
Associate Scientist
Osaka University, Japan
Associate Scientist
UoSussex, UK
Associate Scientist
HIIG, Germany
Associate Scientist
EPFL, Switzerland
Associate Scientist
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Associate Scientist
Brown University, USA
SAB member, Associate Scientist
FBK, Italy
Postdoctoral Researcher
PhD Students
ELLIS Alicante participates in the ELLIS PhD and Postdoc Program. This program offers outstanding young researchers from all over the world a unique entry point to cutting-edge machine learning research by connecting them to leading scientists across Europe and by offering them a variety of training activities. Students can choose between an academic and an industry track.
There is a yearly central call for applications in fall, which are announced on the ELLIS Society website. Admission to the program is highly competitive and only about 5-10% of eligible applicants are accepted.
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student (Secondary location)
UoTübingen, Germany
PhD Student
PhD Student
PhD Student (Secondary location)
JKU Linz, Austria
PhD Student
PhD Student
Visiting Scientists
ELLIS Alicante welcomes visiting scientists from or outside of the ELLIS network who are interested in Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence and want to spend some time at our lab.
Visiting Scientist
2022/05/27 - 2022/09/30
Fulbright Scholar
2023/01/01 - 2023/06/30
Visiting Scientist
2024/10/01 - 2024/11/30
Visiting Scientist
2024/11/01 - 2025/02/01
Visiting Scientist
2022/05/04 - 2022/05/30
Administrative Staff
The research team is supported by an excellent administrative staff who work on creating an environment conducive to conducting research.
Head of Operations
Office Manager