
ELLIS ALICANTE (full name in Spanish is FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE) is a private non-profit foundation, constituted as a legal entity, whose main activity is to perform scientific research in Artificial Intelligence for Social Good. The FOUNDATION is governed by its own Statutes, by Spanish Law 8/1998, of December 9, on Foundations of the Valencian Community, by Spanish Law 50/2002, of December 26, on Foundations, as well as by their respective rules for implementation.

In its contracting procedures, the foundation abides by the principles of openness, competitiveness, transparency, confidentiality, equality and non-discrimination.

The Foundation’s tax identification number or CIF is G01601129 and its registered address for notification purposes is:

  • Business name: Fundación de la Comunitat Valenciana Unidad ELLIS Alicante

  • Registered address (Domicilio Fiscal): Muelle de Poniente 5
    Distrito Digital 5 - Edificio A, Puerto de Alicante
    03001 Alicante (Alicante) - España


The Foundation publishes all its procurement processes via its Contractor Profile available at the Spanish Government eProcurement Platform (PLACE - Plataforma de Contratación del Sector Público). Name of contracting organisation: Dirección de la Fundación de la Comunitat Valenciana Unidad ELLIS Alicante.

Entities participating in our procurement processes must follow the instructions given on the Foundation’s Contractor Profile to submit their bids.

Queries or information requests addressed to ELLIS Alicante’s procurement services may be directed to the following email address: [email protected].


19/10/2022 – Contrato trabajos auditoría | Contract for auditing services (CLOSED)

07/07/2023 - PLACE: Licitación de Servicio de asesoría fiscal, laboral y contable. See Anuncio de licitación here. (CLOSED)

30/08/2023 - PLACE: Licitación de Servicio de asesoría fiscal, laboral y contable. See Anuncio de licitación here and Documentación de Pliegos here.