Privacy Policy

FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE, with the commitment to protect your privacy, and in compliance with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 679/2016 and the Spanish Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5, Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights, wishes to bring to your attention the current privacy policy, where the process of collecting your personal data is detailed, as well as the rights and options you have in this regard. You may also consult our cookies policy, where the use of cookies and other web tracking devices through our website is outlined.

1.- Identification of the Data Controller

FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE, with NIF G01601129, and domiciled at Campus de San Vicente s/n Universidad de Alicante, C.P. 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante), with telephone number +34 965 641 175, and email [email protected], is responsible for the processing of your personal data. Therefore, we guarantee its security and confidential treatment, in accordance with the provisions of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU) 679/2016, as well as any other applicable regulations.

The person designated by the entity as Data Protection Delegate is Ms. Nuria García Sempere, with DNI 21696068-F.

2.- Purpose of the treatment

At FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE we use your data to the extent permitted by the GDPR, as well as by the applicable regulations in force. In any case, the treatment will be done for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and in no case your data will be treated in a way incompatible with those purposes. Specifically, the following processing will be carried out:

  • Answering your queries, requests or requests.
  • Manage the contractual relationship and the provision of consultation services requested by the client/user.
  • Manage your phone calls.
  • For the correct performance of the requested service, the client’s/user’s personal data, necessary to monitor the evolution of the client/user during the provision of the service, will be processed.
  • To carry out all those administrative, fiscal, and accounting procedures necessary to comply with our contractual commitments and fiscal and accounting obligations.
  • Fulfillment of our legal obligations.
  • Analysis and improvement of our services and communications with you.
  • Monitoring and evaluation of compliance with our policies and standards.
  • Management of information delivery and commercial prospecting by any means, in case of explicit consent.

3.- Legitimation for treatment

The legitimization of the processing of personal data that we carry out is done, at all times, in compliance with the provisions of Article 6 of the RGPD, as well as of Article 8 of the Spanish Organic Law 3/2018. In those cases where the legitimacy for the main purpose of the use of data is not found in any of the above legal bases, consent for the data processing will be requested from the interested party.

4.- Duration of processing

FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE will keep your personal data for the time necessary for the provision of the service or as long as consent for it is not withdrawn. Once the relationship has ended, the data will be blocked in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on data protection, being available only to Judges and Courts, Ombudsman, Public Prosecutor or the competent Public Administrations, during the term of the applicable statute of limitations and, after this period, the foundation will proceed to its complete elimination.

5.- Rights of interested parties

FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE informs you of the possibility of exercising your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of processing and portability of data, free of charge, by contacting FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE, domiciled at Campus de San Vicente s/n Universidad de Alicante, C.P. 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig (Alicante), or via email to the following address: [email protected], enclosing a copy of your ID card or equivalent document that serves as proof of your identity, together with your request.

We also inform you that, following our policy of transparency, you can request the forms to exercise your rights by any of the following means: at our headquarters or by email. In case of disagreement with the exercise of your rights or the processing carried out, you can file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos -

In particular, you have the right to:

  • Right of access: you may consult your personal data processed by FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE.
  • Right of rectification: you may modify your personal data when inaccurate.
  • Right of deletion: you may request the deletion of your personal data.
  • Right of opposition: you may request your personal data not to be processed.
  • Right to limitation of processing: you may request the limitation of the processing of your personal data in the following cases:
    • Pending the verification of the contestation of the accuracy of your data.
    • When the processing of your data is unlawful, but you object to the deletion of your data.
    • When FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE does not need to process your data, but you need it to, for the exercise or defense of claims.
    • When you have objected to the processing of your data for the fulfillment of a mission in the public interest or for the satisfaction of a legitimate interest, while verification has been undertaken to establish whether there are legitimate reasons for the processing to prevail over yours.
  • Right of portability: you may receive, in electronic format, the personal data you have provided us with, and those that have been obtained from your contractual relationship with FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE, as well as transmit them to another entity.
  • Right not to be subject to automated individuated decisions: you may restrict the ability of companies to develop user profiles after collecting personal data automatically (without human intervention) producing legal effects on the person concerned.

6.- Data quality

FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE warns you that, except for the existence of a legally constituted representation, no customer/user may use the identity of another person and communicate their personal data, so users must, at all times, bear in mind that they may only include personal data corresponding to their own identity and that said data must be adequate, relevant, current, accurate and true. To this effect, users shall be solely liable for any direct and/or indirect damage caused to third parties or to FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE, by the use of personal data of another person, or their own personal data when they are false, erroneous, not current, inadequate or impertinent. Likewise, users who use the personal data of a third party, shall be liable to the latter for the obligation to inform established in the European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, for when the personal data have not been collected by the person concerned, and / or the consequences of not having informed him/her.

7.- Security measures adopted in relation to the processing of personal data.

FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE informs you that, in accordance with the provisions of European Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, the necessary technical and organizational measures have been adopted to ensure the security of personal data and to prevent alteration, loss, unauthorized processing or access, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed. FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE also guarantees the fulfillment of the duty of professional secrecy with respect to personal data and the duty to keep it safe.

8.- Policy updates

FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE will modify, without prior notice, this privacy policy, whenever necessary, to adapt it to any legislative, regulatory, jurisprudential or administrative change or in order to adapt said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Parliament, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union or legitimate object of FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE. Any modification of this policy, notwithstanding the above, will be published and announced by FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE. For all of the above, FUNDACIÓN DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA UNIDAD ELLIS ALICANTE recommends users to periodically read these policies in order to be aware of any changes that may be made to them.