

September 2024                         
Piera Riccio presents her work “Exploring the Boundaries of Content Moderation in Text-to-Image Generation” at the ECCV 2024 workshop on “Critical evaluation of generative models and their impact on society” in Milan, Italy Sept 29
Piera Riccio presents her work “An Art-centric perspective on AI-based content moderation of nudity” at the ECCV 2024 workshop on “Artificial Intelligence for Visual Arts” 2024 in Milan, Italy Sept 29
Aditya Gulati presents his work “Lookism: The overlooked bias in computer vision” at the ECCV 2024 workshop on “Fairness and ethics towards transparent AI: facing the chalLEnge through model Debiasing” in Milan, Italy Sept 29
Adrian Arnaiz gives a invited lecture at the Delve Deep Learning Education course, Online Sept 21
Dr. Oliver is keynote speaker at the II National Conference on Fertility and Sterility from the SEGO with a speech about “Artificial Intelligence and Reproductive Medicine”, Alicante, Spain Sept 20
Dr. Oliver is keynote speaker at the International EuGMS 2024 Conference of the European Geriatric Medicine Society with a speech about “Artificial Intelligence and Aging”, Valencia, Spain Sept 19
Dr. Oliver receives the Trifermed 2024 award to Transformational Impact and delivers a speech on “Artificial Intelligence”, Barcelona, Spain Sept 17
Dr. Oliver, Aditya Gulati and Gergely Nemeth attend the consortium meeting of the H2020 ELIAS project, Bologna, Italy and online Sept 12-13
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the RESCOM 2024 conference with a talk entitled “Towards Socially Sustainable Artificial Intelligence”, Alicante, España Sept 12
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the Human-centric Machine Learning workshop at ECML-PKDD’24 with a talk on “On Humans, Biases and Algorithms”, Vilnius, Lithuania and online Sept 9
August 2024                         
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the Responsible AI Day at KDD 2024 with a talk on “On Humans, Biases and Algorithms”, Barcelona, Spain August 27
Lucile Favero, Julien Colin, Aditya Gulati, and Gergely Nemeth present their works at the ELLIS Doctoral Symposium 2024, Paris, France August 26-30
Lucile Favero went to visit her secondary PhD location in EPFL, Switzerland August 22
July 2024                         
Adrian Arnaiz presents a tutorial on “Graph Learning: Principles, Challenges, and Open Directions” at ICML 2024, Vienna, Austria July 22
Adrian Arnaiz presents his work “Structural Group Unfairness: Measurement and Mitigation by means of the Effective Resistance.” at the 10th International Conference on Computational Social Science in Philadelphia, USA July 18
Aditya Gulati presents his work “What is Beautiful is Still Good: The Attractiveness Halo Effect in the era of Beauty Filters” at the 10th International Conference on Computational Social Science in Philadelphia, USA July 18
ELLIS Alicante organizes a multi-disciplinary workshop of Distinguished Lectures, Alicante, Spain July 11
Piera Riccio presents her progress achieved during the School of X at xCoAx 2024 in Treviso, Italy (July 10) July 10
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the Economista conference on Artificial Intelligence with a talk on “Socially Sustainable AI”, Madrid, Spain July 4
Dr. Derner presents his work “Leveraging Large Language Models to Measure Gender Bias in Gendered Languages” at the ELLIS Summer School on Collaborative and Generative AI in Helsinki, Finland July 4
June 2024                         
Aditya Gulati is an invited panelist in the “AI PhD and Postdoc education: ELLIS Experience” panel at the 4th Community Workshop 2024 & AIDA Symposium in Thessaloniki, Greece June 27
Piera Riccio is an invited panelist in the “PhD highlights” panel at the ELISE wrap up and ELLIS Community event in Helsinki, Finland June 27
Dr. Oliver coorganizes the workshop of the ELLIS “Human-centric Machine Learning” program in collaboration with the ELISE and ELIAS projects, Helsinki, Finland June 27
Piera Riccio co-organizes the workshop “Colors of AI” in the International Conference of Computational Creativity, in Jönköping, Sweden and online June 18
Dr. Oliver, Aditya Gulati, Adrian Arnaiz and Gergely Nemeth participate at the H2020 ELIAS 4th Plenary meeting. Dr. Oliver presents progress on WP3, online June 14
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the International Conference on TOWARDS A RESPONSIBLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE METAVERSE with a talk about “Biases in the Beautyverse”, Alicante, Spain June 13
Aditya Gulati presents “What is Beautiful is Still Good: The Attractiveness Halo Effect in the era of Beauty Filters” at the International Conference on Thinking, Milan, Italy June 11
Dr. Oliver is an invited speaker at the CNIO with a talk entitled “Artificial Intelligence: My personal story” June 7
Dr. Oliver is invited moderator of the debate about the movie “HER” within the CNIO + Circulo de Bellas Artes cycle on cinema and science June 6
May 2024                         
Dr. Oliver is an invited panelist to talk about “Artificial Intelligence” at the Annual Conference of the Association of Property Managers, Alicante, Spain May 31
Gergely Nemeth presents “Observations of Using Model Complexity Reduction as a Defense Against Membership Retrieval” at the ML-DAS Workshop, Lucca, Italy and online May 27-28
Dr. Oliver gives an invited class on “Artificial Intelligence” at the Global MBA at IESE, Madrid, Spain May 28
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote about “Diversity and Artificial Intelligence” at the European Central Bank, Frankfurt (online), Germany May 23
Piera Riccio presents “Exposed or Erased: Algorithmic Censorship of Nudity in Art” at the ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Honolulu, Hawaii, US May 16
Adrian Arnaiz presents “Structural Group Unfairness: Measurement and Mitigation by means of the Effective Resistance” on the TrustLog Workshop at ACM Web Conference 2024 in Singapore and online May 14
Adrian Arnaiz presents “Towards Algorithmic Fairness by means of Instance-level Data Re-weighting based on Shapley Values” on the DMLRWorkshop at International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) in Vienna, Austria May 11
Lucile Favero was invited to the event: “Shaping the Future, Keeping us Human”, organized by Global Educational Forum, SEK international schools in Madrid, Spain May 7-8
Dr. Oliver participates in the meeting of the International Expert Advisory Panel to the International AI Safety Report May 3
April 2024                         
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote talk on “Artificial Intelligence” at the LESI international conference, Madrid, Spain April 30
Dr. Oliver gives a talk about “Artificial Intelligence” at a panel at the conference by AMMDE, Madrid (online) April 26
Aditya Gulati presents his work on the Attractiveness Halo Effect at the Behavioral Insights Bicocca Journal Club April 23
ELLIS Alicante organizes a conference with 500 high school students to encourage them to pursue careers in technology, Alicante, Spain April 19
Dr. Oliver moderates a panel on “Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Law” at the Annual Conference of the COIT, Alicante, Spain April 17
Dr. Oliver is an invited panelist to talk about “Artificial Intelligence and Art” at the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Social Sciences and Humanities, Madrid, Spain and online April 16
Dr. Oliver gives a guest lecture at the IESE MBA about “Towards socially sustainable Artificial Intelligence”, IESE, Barcelona, Spain and online April 10
Prof. Thomas Hofmann from ETH Zurich visits ELLIS Alicante April 8-10
March 2024                         
Kajetan Schweighofer gives a talk on “Uncertainty and algorithmic fairness”, Alicante, Spain March 26
Dr. Oliver participates in the ELIAS consortium meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands March 20-21
Dr. Oliver speaks at a panel about “The algorithmic censorship of art” at the International Conference on Intellectual Property and Artificial Intelligence, Madrid, Spain March 14
Piera Riccio is an invited panelist at the event “Artificial Intelligence and Gender Equality” of the Equality Unit of the Ministry of Territorial Policy and Democratic Memory, Madrid, Spain and online. March 7
Dr. Oliver delivers a talk about “Artificial Intelligence” as part of the Hipatia European Award to Excellence in Science ceremony, Barcelona, Spain March 4
Lucile Favero gives a talk entitled: “Towards Student-Centric AI-Supported Learning: Teaching Chatbots to Ask the Right Questions ” at the University of Alicante, Spain and online March 1
February 2024                         
Lucile Favero presents her work at the AAAI Collaborative AI and Modelling of Humans Bridge Program in Vancouver, Canada Feb 21
Dr. Oliver and Aditya Gulati were co-organizers of the AAAI Collaborative AI and Modelling of Humans Bridge Program in Vancouver, Canada Feb 21
Adrian Arnaiz gives a guest lecture at the University of Notre Dame (Indiana, USA) on the course “Ethics of Data Analytics and AI”, Notre Dame-IBM Tech Ethics Lab., Notre Dame (USA) and Online Feb 20
Dr. Oliver gives the inaugural talk of the conference Schools that Learn of the Trilema Foundation with a talk entitled “Artificial Intelligence, do we know what we are talking about?”, Madrid, Spain Feb 16
Dr. Oliver is an invited speaker to the conference about “Strategic elements of AI and its regulation” with a talk entitled “Towards a Socially Sustainable AI”, CESEDEN, Madrid, Spain Feb 16
Dr. Oliver is an invited speaker to the conference organized by the Diocesis Orihuela-Alicante Faith-Culture with a talk entitled “Towards a Socially Sustainable AI”, Alicante, Spain Feb 13
Piera Riccio and Lucile Favero give a talk for the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science” in IES Mutxamel, Spain Feb 13
Dr. Oliver is an invited speaker to the conference about the International Day of Women and Girls in Science at the Neuroscience Institute with a talk entitled “Artificial Intelligence: my personal experience”, Alicante, Spain Feb 9
Dr. Oliver is an invited panelist to the conference “AI Regional Ecosystems” organized by ADRA, Amsterdam, Netherlands and online Feb 8
Dr. Oliver is an invited speaker at the International Conference of PhD Students with a talk about “The Use of AI in the Scientific Process”, Elche, Spain and online Feb 1
January 2024                         
Dr. Oliver is an invited panelist at the Hotusa Forum to talk about “Artificial Intelligence and Tourism”, Madrid, Spain Jan 22
December 2023                         
Piera Riccio gives a talk at the event “GioMeeting 2023”, in the Gioseppo company, Elche, Spain Dec 15
Piera Riccio is an invited panelist at the event “Kapsulab”, in Alicante, Spain Dec 14
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker for the Board of Universia, Madrid, España Dec 13
Dr. Oliver is the keynote speaker in the closing of the academic year at the Spanish Royal Academy of Medicine with a talk entitled “Towards socially sustainable AI,” Madrid, España Dec 12
Dr. Oliver participates in the Roundtable about “AI for a competitive, inclusive, and green Europe”, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium (online) Dec 1
Dr. Oliver is a panelist speaker at the EUDEL-EMB SPAIN AI event in China, Beijing, China (online) Dec 1
November 2023                         
Dr. Oliver, Aditya Gulati, Adrian Arnaiz and Gergely Nemeth participate in the H2020 ELIAS WP3 meeting, online Nov 30
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the CRUE conference on Digitization and AI with a talk on “Towards Socially Sustainable AI”, Valladolid, Spain (online) Nov 30
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the kick-off meeting of the Intel RESUMAIS Research Center of Excellence with a talk on “Towards Socially Sustainable AI”, USA-Germany-Spain (online) Nov 29
ELLIS Alicante is organizer of the workshop of the Human-centric Machine Learning ELLIS Program, Alicante, Spain Nov 24
Dr. Zhao is an ELLIS distinguished speaker with a talk entitled “Towards vision-based emotion AI”, Alicante, Spain Nov 23
Piera Riccio and Adrian Arnaiz are invited as panelists in the event “Sociedades Algorítmicas: ética y política en la era de la inteligencia artificial”, at CCCB Barcelona, Spain Nov 22
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the Ilenia Project with a talk about “Ethics and Artificial Intelligence”, Alicante, Spain Nov 9
Piera Riccio gives a talk at the ELLIS Unit Amsterdam, the Netherlands Nov 9
Dr. Derner gives a talk on “Towards Unbiased LLMs from the Roots: Exploring Biases in Language Corpora” at the University of Alicante, Spain Nov 8
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the Hispanic-British Tertulias to talk about “Artificial Intelligence”, Alicante, Spain Nov 4
October 2023                         
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the “Festival of Humanities”, Denia, Spain Oct 27
Aditya Gulati was a mentor at the Innovation Banking Hack Fest organized by Banco Sabadell, Alicante, Spain Oct 27
Dr. Oliver is an invited speaker at the Journalism 2030 Forum to talk about “Artificial Intelligence and media”, Valencia, Spain Oct 6
Dr. Oliver is an invited panelist at the II European Forum on Artificial Intelligence with a talk about “Artificial Intelligence and Creativity”, Alicante, Spain Oct 4
ELLIS Alicante is co-organizer of the II European Forum on Artificial Intelligence, Alicante, Spain Oct 4
Dr. Oliver delivers the inaugural lecture of the 2023-2024 academic year at the Carlos III University with a talk about “Artificial Intelligence”, Madrid, Spain Oct 2
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at Mobicom 2023 with a talk about “Mobile Phones for Social Good”, Madrid, Spain Oct 2
September 2023                         
Adrian Arnaiz was selected as as one of the young researchers to attend the 10th Heidelberg Laureate Forum Foundation in 2023 organized by Heidelberg Laureate Foundation, Heidelberg, Germany Sept 25-30
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in the Presidential session at the SEOM 2023 conference with a talk about “Socially Sustainable Artificial Intelligence”, Barcelona, Spain and online Sept 21
Dr. Oliver is an invited speaker in a conversation with John Maeda at the Hay Festival to talk about “Artificial Intelligence”, Segovia, Spain Sept 15
Piera Riccio is invited as a panelist in the “ArTechLaw” Summit in Copenhagen, Denmark Sept 15
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the Humboldt Society conference with a talk about “Towards Socially Sustainable Artificial Intelligence”, Alicante, Spain Sept 8
Dr. Oliver is invited panelist at Ars Electronica to talk about “European Digital Sovereignty: The status quo and where to go”, Linz, Austria and online Sept 7
ELLIS Alicante participates in the Horizon2020 ELIAS project kick-off meeting, Trento, Italy and online Sept 6-7
August 2023                         
The Ph.D. students present their works at the ELLIS Doctoral Symposium 2023, Helsinki, Finland Aug 28 - Sept 1
June 2023                         
Adrian Arnaiz participated in a round table about “Sustainable AI” organized by the Chamber of Commerce of Alicante, Alicante, Spain June 30
Gergely Németh presented his work on Federated Learning in the TAG-PAL Symposium of the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK June 30
Dr. Oliver is invited panelist on a panel about “Data for emergencies” in the ALLEA general assembly, The European Federation of Academies of Sciences, Royal Academy, London, UK (online) June 22
Dr. Oliver is invited panelist in a session about Artificial Intelligence in an event with the two 2023 Forbes Changemakers in the Valencian Region of Spain, Valencia, Spain June 16
Dr. Oliver is invited panelist in a session about Artificial Intelligence at the 20th anniversary celebration event of the Bankinter Foundation June 15
Dr. Oliver is distinguished speaker at the University of Mainz with a talk about “Data Science against COVID-19”, Mainz, Germany and online June 14
Aditya Gulati attended the Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality organized by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin, Germany June 13-21
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE) conference with a talk on “Artificial Intelilgence, Beauty and Art”, Alicante, Spain June 9
May 2023                         
Dr. Oliver is an invited panelist at the AI session of the “Economics Circle” conference, Barcelona, Spain May 30
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote in her induction ceremony to the Mexican Academy of Engineering with a talk about “AI for Sustainable Development”, Mexico city, Mexico (online) May 26
Dr. Oliver is a distinguished speaker at the Cambridge Nokia Bell Labs with a talk on “Fighting biases with AI”, Cambridge, UK (online) May 25
Dr. Oliver is keynote speaker at the Culture Ambassador´s Cycle with a talk about “Towards socially sustainable AI”, Valencia, Spain May 23
Dr. Oliver is keynote speaker at the Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Responsibility Conference with a talk about “Ethical challenges of AI”, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain May 22
Dr. Oliver is keynote speaker at the Carlos III University with a talk about “Towards socially sustainable AI”, Madrid, Spain May 19
Dr. Oliver is keynote speaker at the Instituto Hermes with a talk about “Artificial Intelligence and Europe”, Madrid, Spain May 18
Dr. Oliver is invited panelist at an event about Artificial Intelligence organized by INFORMACION, Alicante, Spain May 12
The Ph.D. students present their works at the Transform4Europe Doctoral Symposium, Alicante, Spain May 11-12
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote speech about “Data Science against COVID-19” at the Transform4Europe Doctoral Symposium, Alicante, Spain May 11
Dr. Oliver is invited panelist on Innovation and Transfer for Equality at the International Conference on Technology for Equality, Madrid, Spain May 10
Dr. Oliver is invited panelist at the Rectors Conference organized by Universia Santander, Valencia, Spain May 9
Dr. Oliver is invited panelist at the “Hay Festival” to talk about Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Spain May 8
April 2023                         
Piera Riccio participates to the “From Hype to Reality: Artificial Intelligence in the Study of Art and Culture” Symposium in Zurich, Switzerland April 21
March 2023                         
Dr. Oliver is an invited speaker at the “Foro Seneca” on “Towards socially sustainable Artificial Intelligence”, Alicante, Spain March 30
Dr. Oliver is an invited panelist at the “I want to be an engineer” event hosted at the University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain March 30
Dr. Oliver gives a Distinguished Lecture at the ELLIS Unit in Stuttgart on “Fighting biases with AI”, online March 28
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote speech at the Spanish Agency of Metereology on “Socially Sustainable Artificial Intelligence”, Madrid, Spain March 23
Over 150 students from 3 highschools in Alicante visit ELLIS Alicante to learn about Artificial Intelligence March 22
Dr. Oliver speaks at a panel about “Bridging scientists with industry” organized by LabMediterraneo, Alicante, Spain March 21
Dr. Oliver gives a talk about her professional trajectory at the PADIMA event on “People from Alicante who improve the world”, Alicante, Spain March 9
Dr. Oliver speaks as a panel about “Breaking stereotypes” in Casa Mediterraneo, Alicante, Spain March 8
ELLIS Alicante and the Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory (DDMLab, CMU) in the USA, have joined forces to create research collaborations on Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (AI). March 7-9
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote speech about “Data Science against COVID-19” at the AI4MED conference, Valencia, Spain March 4
February 2023                         
The team of ELLIS Alicante presents their work to members of the EU Parlament’s JURI Committee, Alicante, Spain Feb 22nd
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote speech about “Towards Socially Sustainable AI” at VII ADS Conference, Madrid, Spain Feb 14th
Dr. Oliver participates in a panel about “The role of women in the development of AI”, FUNDECYT-PCTEX, Merida, Spain Feb13th
Dr. Oliver participates in a round table about “Women and Girls in Science and Technology”, TodoAlicante, Alicante, Spain Feb 8th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote speech about “Towards Socially Sustainable AI” at the Directors’ Conference of Barcelona’s Townhall, Barcelona, Spain Feb 3rd
January 2023                         
Julien Colin gives a talk on “Towards Explainable AI” at the University of Alicante, Spain Jan 30th
Dr. Oliver gives a talk about “Artificial Intelligence” at “Mesa y Mantel” , Alicante, Spain Jan 27th
Dr. Oliver gives a talk at the Rotary Club Elche on “Artificial Intelligence. ELLIS and ELLIS Alicante” Jan 16th
Dr. Oliver gives a talk at the AI in Healthcare Research & Ideation on “Data Science against COVID-19”, Abu Dhabi (online) Jan 10th
December 2022                         
Adrian Arnaiz gives a talk on “Algorithmic Fairness and Artificial Intelligence” at SpainAI, Burgos Dec 22nd
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote speech about “Homogeneization and Racial Biases in the Metaverse” at the IEEE II International Conference on Inteligent Reality (ICIR 2022), online Dec 16th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote about “The lack of diversity in Artificial Intelligence” at the Congreso Internacional de Economía y Presupuesto Público para la Igualdad de Oportunidades entre Hombres y Mujeres, Auditorio Caixaforum, Sevilla, Spain Dec 14th
Adrian Arnaiz presents his tutorial on “Graph Rewiring: from Theory to Applications in Fairness” at the First Learning on Graphs conference 2022, Online Dec 11th
Adrian Arnaiz presents his paper “DiffWire: Inductiva Graph Rewiring via the Lovász Bound” at the First Learning on Graphs conference 2022, Online Dec 9th
Dr. Oliver co-organizes the II Workshop on Human-Centered AI at NeurIPS 2022, online Dec 9th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote about “ELLIS: The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems” at the Alicante Technology Forum, Alicante, Spain Dec 2nd
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote about “Socially sustainable Artificial Intelligence” at the Conference on Digitization and Artificial Intelligence in the Water Cycle, Universitat Jaume I, Castellon de la Plana (online), Spain Dec 1st
November 2022                         
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote talk on “Artificial Intelligence” at the BIDA conference on Artificial Intelligence, Navarra (online), Spain Nov 30th
Dr. Oliver participates as a panelist at the presentation of the Artificial Intelligence and Ethics study by SERES Foundation, Madrid (online), Spain Nov 30th
Dr. Oliver participates as a panelist in the conference “20 Years Leading the Future” of EVAP, Valencia, Spain Nov 29th
Julien Colin presents his paper “What I Cannot Predict, I Do Not Understand: A Human-Centered Evaluation Framework for Explainability Methods” at the Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Nov 29th
Piera Riccio presents her paper “OpenFilter: A Framework to Democratize Research Access to Social Media AR Filters” at the Thirty-sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA Nov 28th
Dr. Oliver participates as a panelist in the conference about “Age, gender and academia” organized by the Autonomous University of Madrid, Madrid (online), Spain Nov 24th
Aditya Gulati presents his paper “BIASeD: Bringing Irrationality into Automated System Design” at the AAAI 2022 Fall Symposium on Thinking Fast and Slow and Other Cognitive Theories in AI, Arlington, Virginia, USA Nov 18th
Aditya Gulati gives a talk at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) on “Bringing Irrationality into Automated System Design” Nov 15th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote at PuzzleX on “ELLIS, The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems”, Barcelona, Spain Nov 17th
Dr. Oliver speaks at a panel at the Smartcity Expo on “When Technology becomes a Push for Inclusion”, Barcelona, Spain Nov 17th
Dr. Oliver gives a talk at the Bosch Connected World Conference on “Data Science against COVID-19”, Berlin (online), Germany Nov 10th
Dr. Oliver gives a plenary talk at the V Connected Industry Conference on “Towards Socially Sustainable AI: The European Perspective”, Valencia, Spain Nov 8th
Dr. Oliver gives a talk at the V Artificial Intelligence Conference on “ELLIS, The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems”, Alicante, Spain Nov 7th
Piera Riccio gives a talk at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) on “The Beautyverse: beauty filters on social media” Nov 4th
October 2022                         
Piera Riccio gives a talk at Fundación Banco Sabadell on “Proyecto de Arte y de Beauty” Oct 28th
Dr. Oliver gives a talk at the Nobel Symposia on Predictability in Science in the Age of AI, Stellenbosch, South Africa Oct 26th
Adrian Arnaiz gives a talk at the PERTE de la Nueva Economía de la Lengua organized by Ministry of Economy of Spain, Madrid, Spain Oct 25th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote at the conference organized by the Public Employment Service on “Artificial Intelligence”, Extremadura (online), Spain Oct 21st
Piera Riccio presents her paper “Racial Bias in the Beautyverse: evaluation on social media augmented reality filters” at the European Conference on Computer Vision 2022. Oct 20th
Dr. Oliver gives a talk at the Juan March Foundation on “Towards a Socially Sustainable Artificial Intelligence”, Madrid, Spain Oct 20th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the 2022 MIMODE conference on “Data Science against COVID-19”, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Oct 19th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the EUH4D, DSSC, BDVA i-Spaces event about “Towards a Socially Sustainable Artificial Intelligence”, Valencia (online), Spain Oct 17th
Piera Riccio participates to the recording of the ELLIS video in Tubingen, Germany Oct 13-14th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the 2022 ACM Multimedia Conference on “Data Science against COVID-19”, Lisbon, Portugal Oct 14th
Dr. Oliver speaks at the Economic Forum EL ESPAÑOL, Alicante, Spain Oct 11th
Dr. Oliver speaks at the Global IESE Alumni Reunion on “Artificial Intelligence: Using Your Power for Good”, Munich, Germany Oct 7th
Dr. Oliver gives the response at the induction ceremony of Dr. Ana Conesa at the Spanish Royal Academy of Engineering, Madrid, Spain Oct 6th
Dr. Oliver gives the inaugural lecture at the opening of the 2022-2023 academic year of the public universities in Murcia, Cartagena, Spain Oct 3rd
September 2022                         
Dr. Oliver participates on an AI Ethics panel organized by the, online Sept 30th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote at the NiCcolla project meeting on “Towards European Sovereignty in AI”, Alcoy, Spain Sept 29th
Dr. Oliver gives a talk at the Algoverit event on “Towards a Socially Sustainable AI”, Madrid, Spain Sept 28th
ELLIS Alicante hosts the 2nd ELLIS Doctoral Symposium, Alicante, Spain Sept 19-23rd
ELLIS Alicante co-organizes the I European Conference on AI for Health, Wellness and Inclusion, Alicante, Spain Sept 16th
Piera Riccio talks at the opening of the HAY Festival in Segovia, Spain Sept 15th
Piera Riccio is exhibiting an art installation and performative documentary on Algorithmic Fairness at the Phest Festival in Monopoli, Bari, Italy. The exhibition is open until the 1st of November. Sept 9th
July 2022                         
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote at the “Workshop on Human-machine Collaboration and Teaming” at ICML 2022, Baltimore, Maryland, USA July 23rd
Dr. Oliver participates at the launch of the SRIP 2022 report of the European Commission, webinar July 12th
Dr. Oliver participates in the Bellesguard Dialogues by the Abat Oliba University on “The Role of Artificial Intelligence in today’s world”, webinar July 5th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote talk at the 22nd International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE) on “Towards Socially Sustainable Artificial Intelligence”, Bari, Italy July 5th
Dr. Oliver gives a talk on “Artificial Intelligence and Creativity” at the Artificial Intelligence webinar organized by CEDRO July 1st
Piera Riccio gives a talk on “Algorithmic Censorship of Art: A Proposed Research Agenda” at the 13th International Conference on Computational Creativity July 1st
June 2022                         
Dr. Oliver gives a talk on “Towards socially acceptable Artificial Intelligence” at the conference of the federal lawyers of the Spanish Ministry of Justice, Madrid, Spain June 29th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote talk on “Data Science against COVID-19” at the Data Science summer school of the University of Castilla La Mancha, Albacete, Spain June 22nd
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote about “ELLIS: Towards competitive AI research in Europe” at the Conference on AI Policy at the European Union, Alicante, Spain June 17th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote talk on “Data Science against COVID-19” at ODSC Europe conference, hybrid June 16th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote talk on “Artificial Intelligence” at the Inetum Process Automation at the Public Administration conference, Madrid, Spain June 14th
Dr. Oliver participates in the “TTIC Get-to-know-your-board”, Toyota Technological Institute of Chicago, Chicago, USA June 10th
The Ph.D. students present their works in the University of Alicante’s PhD in Computer Science meeting 2022 June 9th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote talk on “Data Science against COVID-19” at the Foundations of Responsible Computing (FORC) conference, Harvard, Massachusetts, USA June 8th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote talk on “Data Science against COVID-19” at the BIFI International Conference, Zaragoza, Spain June 7
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote talk on “Towards Socially Sustainable Artificial Intelligence” at the Malawi Data Summit, Lilongwe, Malawi June 3
May 2022                         
Dr. Oliver gives a talk on “Artificial Intelligence and Health” at the Spanish Conference on Pediatric Neurology, Benidorm, Spain May 26th
Mona Schirmer gives a talk on “Modeling irregular time series with continuous recurrent units”, Univ Alicante May 25th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote talk on “Artificial Intelligence” at the Digital Fusion Conference, Valencia, Spain May 12th
Dr. Oliver gives a talk on “A career on Artificial Intelligence” at the Jorge Juan highschool, Alicante, Spain May 6th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote on “Artificial Intelligence and Ethics” at the Conference of the Ethics Committees in Spain, Elche, Spain May 5th
Dr. Oliver gives a talk on “Artificial Intelligence networks” at the NAIXUS launch event, Slovenia May 4th
April 2022                         
Piera Riccio is exhibiting an art installation on Brain AI-Art at the Gallerie Catherine d’Issert, Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France. April 22nd
Piera Riccio is exhibiting an art installation on Brain AI-Art at the World AI Cannes, France. The exhibition is open until the 16th of April. April 14th
Prof Nir Ailon is invited to give a talk at the Distinguished Lecture Series on “Fast Approximate Matrix Multiplication - Theory and Practice in AI Hardware” April 7th
Dr. Oliver gives a keynote at CHIL 2022 on “Data Science to fight against COVID-19” April 7th
March 2022                         
Dr. Oliver participates as a panelist in the Horasis USA meeting, session on “AI for climate change March 4th
Dr. Oliver participates as a panelist in the event “Women, Science and Business” organized by EDEM and the King James I awards foundation March 7th
Dr. Oliver participates as a panelist in the event “Algorithms and Biases” at the RTVE March 8th
Dr. Oliver participates as a panelist at the “Screen Society” dialogue organized by La Caixa Foundation’s Observatory March 16th
Dr. Oliver participates as a panelist at the “Algorithmic discrimination” event organized by the Spanish Ministry of Equality as part of the Anti-racism week March 22nd
February 2022                         
ELLIS Alicante participates in a forum about Artificial Intelligence research organized by Alicante Plaza Feb 3rd
Dr. Oliver participates in the “Women in Science” event at the UPV Gandia Feb 8th
Piera Riccio gives a talk on “AI on Social Media: Cultural Impact and Proposed Solutions” at the University of Alicante Feb 14th
Prof. Francisco Escolano gives a talk on “AI for Graph, Networks and Sets” at the University of Alicante as a part of the Saturdays AI series Feb 19th
Dr. Oliver gives a talk about “Data Science against COVID-19” at the PathCheck Foundation/MIT Media Lab Feb 18th
Dr. Oliver gives a talk about “Towards Socially Sustainable AI” at the Future Talks by the Bankinter Foundation Feb 24th
Aditya Gulati gives a talk on “AI and Human Biases” at the University of Alicante Feb 28th
January 2022                         
Adrian Arnaiz gives a talk on “Algorithmic Fairness” at the University of Alicante Jan 17th
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the Conference of the Future with a talk about “Socially sustainable AI”, Chile Jan 19th
Gergely D. Németh gives a talk on “Fairness in Federated Learning: Challenges and Opportunities” at the University of Alicante Jan 31st
December 2021                         
Dr. Oliver is a speaker and moderator in the Artificial Intelligence Forum organized by the Digital Alliance 2030 Foundation Dec 1st
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the Valencia Digital Summit with a talk about “ELLIS, The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems” Dic 16th
November 2021                         
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the Ernest Lluch Foundation Dialogs on “Artificial Intelligence”, Valencia, Spain Nov 5th
Prof. Ricardo Baeza-Yates gives the inaugural talk at the Distinguished Lecture Series on “AI Ethics: a challenging task “ Nov 8th
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the Digital Government Conference by the Catalan Government on “Towards a socially sustainable AI” Nov 9th
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the Aquae STEM program (online) Nov 10th
Dr. Oliver is an invited speaker at the University Jaume I, “City of Castellon chair”, with a talk entitled “Artificial Intelligence: my personal experience” Nov 18th
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the EU Data Visualization Conference 2021 on “Data Science against COVID-19” (online) Nov 23rd
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the CHI Greece conference on “Data Science against COVID-19” (online) Nov 25th
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the Euro-CASE 2021 annual conference – Engineering to build back better, with the talk “ELLIS, The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems” Nov 26th
Dr. Oliver is an invited panelist at the IV International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Alicante, Spain Nov 26th
October 2021                         
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the ACM Europe Council webinar on “Getting recognized by ACM Awards and Honors” (online) Oct 1st
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the inaugural event of the Radia program by ONCE Foundation on “A career on Artificial Intelligence”, Madrid, Spain Oct 6th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the 2021 Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications Conference (ASYU) on “Data Science against COVID19”, Elazığ, Turkey (online) Oct 7th
Dr. Oliver is a Distinguished Speaker at the Distinguished Seminar Series of Duke University on “Data Science against COVID19”, Duke University, United States (online) Oct 8th
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the WDR MOOC by the World Bank on “Data for Better Lives: A New Social Contract” (online) Oct 14th
Dr. Oliver is an invited speaker at the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO), Alicante, Spain Oct 19th
Dr. Oliver is an invited speaker at the 2021 Digitalize in Stockholm Summit on “Data Science against COVID-19”, Stockholm, Sweden (online) Oct 21st
Dr. Oliver is an invited speaker at the Conference of the Spanish Internal Auditors Institute on “Towards a socially sustainable Artificial Intelligence”, Madrid (online) Oct 25th
September 2021                         
Dr. Oliver gives a webinar at the Center for Artificial Intelligence (CAI) at the University of Sao Paulo on “Data Science against COVID19”, (online) Sept 9th
Dr. Oliver participates in the International Forum on Data and Artificial Intelligence in the Public Sector by the CAF on “Responsible use of AI in the public sector”, Telefonica Foundation Building, Madrid Sept 15th
Dr. Oliver is the keynote speaker at the Conference on the impact of COVID19 with the talk “Data and Citizen Science to shed light on the impact of the COVID19 pandemic”, Marques of Valdecillas Library of the Complutense University of Madrid Sept 16th
Dr. Oliver is a panel speaker at the Conference of the Spanish Property Registrars on “Humanism and Technology for Society”, Valladolid, Spain (online) Sept 17th
Dr. Oliver is a panel speaker at the annual assembly of ANGED, Madrid, Spain (online) Sept 21st
Dr. Oliver is a speaker at the 2021 Annual Meeting of the International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences (CAETS) with a talk on “Artificial Intelligence and Education”, virtual conference based in Buenos Aires, Argentina (online) Sept 23rd
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the Alan Turing Institute’s Data Centric Engineering Summit 2021 on “Data Science against COVID19”, London, United Kingdom (online) Sept 23rd
Dr. OIliver is a keynote speaker at the academic year opening ceremony of the Saomar dorm on “Technology for Social Good”, Valencia, Spain Sept 23rd
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at the opening ceremony of the LAB Mediterraneo Foundation on “Towards socially sustainable Artificial Intelligence”, Valencia, Spain Sept 29th
August 2021                         
Dr. Oliver is co-host of the CACM Europe Region Special Section two-day Workshop (online) Aug 25th-26th
June 2021                         
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in “Advanced Machine Learning Days” (AMLD) 2021 about “Data Science against the COVID19 pandemic” Jun 28th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in Ikergazte 2021 about “Data Science against COVID19” Jun 10th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in the COVID-19 interacademic cycle about “Experiences of a pandemic”, organized by the Royal Academies in Spain, with a talk about “Data Science against COVID19” Jun 1st
May 2021                         
Dr. Oliver is an invited panelist in a session organized by the presidents of the IEEE and the ACM about the future of engineering May 6th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in the ICLR 2021 workshop on “Artificial Intelligence and Health” with a talk about “Data Science against COVID-19” May 7th
April 2021                         
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in the event about Artificial Intelligence Policies in the Americas April 29th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in the NOOC organized by INTEF about Artificial Intelligence with a talk about “Education and Artificial Intelligence” April 28th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker at ASPLOS 2021 - [] with a talk about “Data Science against COVID-19” April 22th
Dr. Oliver distinguished invited speaker in the special track “Web of Health” in the WWW conference with a talk about “Data Science against COVID-19” April 21st
March 2021                         
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in the webinar on Artificial Intelligence for Social Good organized by the IADB with a talk about “Data Science against COVID-19” Mar 31st
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in the “Women and Technology” forum organized by Verne with DIRCOM with a talk about “Women and Technology” Mar 26th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in the Europe Digital Future Forum in collaboration with CIONET Mar 24th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in the cycle of webinars “Innovation for SDGs: inspirational tools towards sustainability challenges organized by the Univ of Girona in collaboration with the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi), with a talk about “Data Science against COVID-19” Mar 22nd
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in ICWMR - Int Conf for Women in Multifaceted research – India with the talk “Data Science against COVID-19” Mar 9th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in the webinar organized by the OECD about gender stereotypes in education Mar 8th
Dr. Oliver is an invited panelist in the “Artificial Intelligence: challenges and opportunities” conference organized by the CNMC Mar 5th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in the Conexus conference, organized by the Conexus Foundation, with a talk about Artificial Intelligence Mar 4th
Dr. Oliver is a keynote speaker in AI CON 2021 conference organized by Bosch with the talk “Data Science against COVID-19”, Mar 3rd
February 2021                         
Dr. Oliver is an invited panelist in the EJECON Forum about “The value of data” Feb 11th
January 2021                         
Dr. Oliver is an invited speaker in the join session by the Royal Academies of Spain with a talk about “Data Science against COVID-19” Jan19th
Dr. Oliver is an invited panelist in the 13th European Space Conference organized by the ESA in a session about “Building digital twin earths for a resilient society” Jan13th