Scientific Events
- HCML Reading Group: A reading group focused on human-centric machine learning
Research talks
- Distinguished Speaker Series: ELLIS Distinguished Speaker Series organized by ELLIS Alicante.
- Student Presentations Series: Student Presentations Series organized by ELLIS Alicante.
- Distinguished Lectures Mini-Workshop: Four talks part of ELLIS Alicante's Distinguished Speaker Series presented together on the same day in a Mini-Workshop, 11th July, 2024.
- ELLIS / ELIAS HCML Workshop 2024: Annual workshop of the ELLIS / ELIAS HCML Program, Helsinki and online, June 27th 2024.
- ELLIS HCML Workshop 2023: Annual workshop of the ELLIS HCML Program, organized by ELLIS Alicante in 2023.
- ELLIS-DDMLab Workshop 2023: ELLIS Alicante and the Dynamic Decision Making Laboratory (DDMLab), have joined forces to create research collaborations on Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (AI).
- ICML Graph Learning Tutorial: Tutorial on Graph Learning: Principles, Challenges, and Open Directions. Presented at ICML 2024.
- GraphRewiring Tutorial: Tutorial on Graph Rewiring: From Theory to Applications in Fairness. Presented in Learning on Graphs Conference 2022.
- ELLIS Doctoral Symposium 2022: Official site of the ELLIS Doctoral Symposium 2022 - AI for Good, a conference for AI PhD students in Europe.