Erik Derner

Postdoctoral Researcher photo

Erik Derner received his Ph.D. in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence from the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague, Czech Republic, in 2022. His Ph.D. thesis was honored with the Werner von Siemens Award in the Industry 4.0 category and with the CTU FEE Dean’s Award for a Prestigious Dissertation. He specializes in the societal and ethical implications of large language models (LLMs). His postdoctoral project involves evaluating biases in language corpora and models, proposing mitigation methods, and studying human-LLM interaction for privacy and ethical considerations. The goal of his work is to contribute to the development of safe, secure, and user-friendly language models, with a focus on low-resource languages such as Valencian.

Link to ORCID profile: ORCID iD icon

Publications in association with ELLIS Alicante


Philadelphia, US
Derner, E., Sansalvador de la Fuente, S., Gutiérrez, Y., Moreda, P., & Oliver, N. (2025). Leveraging Large Language Models to Measure Gender Representation Bias in Gendered Language Corpora. Collaborative AI and modeling of Humans (CAIHu) - Bridge program at AAAI 2025.


Derner, E., Batistič, K., Zahálka, J., & Babuška, R. (2024). A Security Risk Taxonomy for Prompt-Based Interaction with Large Language Models. IEEE Access, 12, 126176-126187.
Derner, E., Kučera, D., Oliver, N., & Zahálka, J. (2024). Can ChatGPT Read Who You Are?. Computers in Human Behavior: Artificial Humans, 2(2), 100088.
Derner, E., Sansalvador de la Fuente, S., Gutiérrez, Y., Moreda, P., & Oliver, N. (2024). Leveraging Large Language Models to Measure Gender Bias in Gendered Languages. arXiv:2406.13677.
Vancouver, CA
Derner, E., Kučera, D., Oliver, N., & Zahálka, J. (2024). Can ChatGPT Read Who You Are?. Collaborative AI and Modeling of Humans, AAAI Bridge Program.


Derner, E., Kučera, D., Oliver, N., & Zahálka, J. (2023). Can ChatGPT Read Who You Are?. arXiv:2312.16070.
Derner, E., Batistič, K., Zahálka, J., & Babuška, R. (2023). A Security Risk Taxonomy for Large Language Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.11415.