ELLIS Doctoral Symposium logo

Help the symposium with your donation!

We are partially supported by the Sabadell Foundation and the Government of Valencia but we are always happy to receive more support. This symposium is the perfect opportunity for you to get in touch with young researchers and expose them to your company’s work and values. If you support us with a donation, we will include your logo on our webpage and in our communications about the symposium. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us!

Please use one of the following three methods:

  1. Donate via PayPal

  2. Make a bank transfer
    Name: Fundación de la Comunitat Valenciana Unidad ELLIS Alicante
    IBAN: ES33 0081 1356 1100 0158 4766

  3. Corporate Matching Grants
    Double your donation! The ELLIS Doctoral Symposium qualifies for corporate matching grants from many large companies, including: